Conference Abstract/Full Paper Submission Guideline

All entries must be submitted in editable ‘Microsoft Word Document’ to this email:

Formatting style for the ‘Microsoft Word Document’ is as follow: -

  1. Document font Style: Times New Roman
  2. Page setup: A4 Size, Margin 1 (Top, Bottom, Left, Right)
  3. Title: 18 (bold) center
  4. Author Name: 12 (bold) center
  5. Author Address/Affiliation: 10 center
  6. Abstract and keywords: 8 center
  7. Body: 10 (in two columns) single line space

Writing Structure/Sections

  1. Title
  2. Author Name(s) and Affiliation (NOT more than 4 authors)
  3. Abstract (NOT more than 300 words)
  4. Keywords
  5. Background/Introduction
  6. Methods/Methodology
  7. Conclusion
  8. Acknowledgement
  9. References (APA 7th edition NOT more than 20 and NOT more than 10 years old)
All these components must be saved in one document, not as separate documents.

Download sample template

Word Doc >> A template of Abstract/Full Paper can be downloaded from here in MS Word file.

Word Doc >> A sample of Abstract/Full Paper can be downloaded from here in MS Word file.

PDF >> A sample of Abstract/Full Paper can be downloaded from here in PDF file.

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